moments with wild horses #174

ACRYLIC • 48x60" • $7,000


Traveler was the lead Spring Creek Basin stallion, with several mares and foals in his herd, when I saw him in 2003.  I had a guide this second visit, because my first trip into Spring Creek Basin was not successful in finding any mustangs.  In this painting of Traveler, we had approached too close for him. I thought I’d die when he charged us, but he stopped about fifty feet from us on the dirt road and faced us. He thrust out his front leg and scrapped it through the sand and dirt. It truly looked like he “drew a line in the sand,” as if to say “Come no further!” We respected his wishes, of course. He had a great presence about him. We took some photos and backed away. Satisfied, he turned and returned to his family.


Pryor Mountain Stallion


Moments with Wild Horses #313