red stallion - sandwash basin

ACRYLIC ON CANVAS • 14x18" • $700


I have painted this Pyrrole Red stallion in many versions, including a great variety of colors.  My line work, like these bold red lines, is simplistic, and encompasses the energy and spirit of the horse. Line work has always been the strength and mark of my artwork. Some of my canvases are well over 48x72 and I paint smaller canvases as well. I painted Titanium White in rows covering all the canvas, front and back twice, letting each coat dry first. The brush forms long thin ridges in the white paint. Those show through the colors that are added later, creating dimension and spontaneous images which I love. Surprises on my canvases lead me in new directions. I follow the painting’s lead and that is fun, a journey, always an adventure. My painted lines, whether done with brush or palette knife, are often in bold red or black lines. Golden Acrylic’s Pyrrole Red, an orangey red, is uplifting and powerful. Alizarin Crimson is a beautiful, strong, quieter red with great presence. Another favorite color of mine is Cerulean Blue Deep.  Black is strong, powerful, stoic and quiet.  The deep blue is peaceful, flowing and full of grace. They are all strong, like the mustangs who survive in vast desert lands. My pure white backgrounds are reminiscent of their open space surrounded by foothills, mesas and buttes where the mountain lion lives. There is no vet, no stacks of hay, no shelters built. The lines are simple and say one thing: survive.


Wild Stallion - Sandwash Basin


May They Live in Freedom II